NC-Sen, NC-Gov: North Carolina Omnibus

Along the lines of our New Hampshire compendium of polls, there’s so much new North Carolina material out today that we’re just going to give it to you in condensed form. What are the takeaways? The governor’s race is still too close to call but may be shading toward Perdue, while on the Senate side, it’s time for the Republicans to start practicing saying “Senator Godless.”

Research 2000 for Daily Kos:

Hagan 50 (49), Dole 45 (45)

Perdue 49 (48), McCrory 44 (43)


Hagan 53, Dole 44


Hagan 44 (37), Dole 37 (35)

Perdue 40 (33), McCrory 40 (37)

Civitas (R):

Hagan 45 (44), Dole 43 (41)

Perdue 45 (43), McCrory 43 (43)

9 thoughts on “NC-Sen, NC-Gov: North Carolina Omnibus”

  1. in my home state.  Perdue has not run a very good campaign.  In contrast, Hagan has run a great campaign, but Dole’s horrid Godless commercials will impact the senate race. The question is whether the impact will be either:

    A – Evangelical voters buy the BS and break hard for Dole, or

    B – Horrified, embarrassed North Carolinians are repulsed by the ads and break for Hagan.

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